how and why Become a member?
Take advantage of promotions, exclusive products and advance notifications,
in order to be able to select and reserve our products of the month before everyone else,
on the next arrivals!
To take advantage of these exclusive offers, become an Epicurean member on Farmstore.
How to take advantage of it?
Are you a loyal client ? So nothing could be simpler.
Become a member automatically by spending 4.000czk per month on our site.
All the pages dedicated to epicureans will then be open to you.
Your advantages ?
You will have access to private sales.
You will receive a notification of the next arrival 5 days before the opening to the public. You will be able to make your choice in peace and reserve your next order of fresh produce before everyone else.
Have access to a selection of exclusive products in ultra limited quantities.
Specific promotions throughout the year + 1 annual invitation for 2 people to one of our private tastings.
Advance information on our next partnerships.
So do not wait any longer!